OK, here's the response I got from FreePlay. Pretty self-explanatory...
- Eric.
> From: Shona Baxter <shona_at_freeplaygroup.com>
> Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 10:04:05 +0100
> To: fyzycyst_at_mailaps.org
> Subject: RE: Newton/eMate Freeplay power source?
> Thank you for your interest in Freeplay. Please be advised that we are
> currently developing new products that are at present in their prototype
> stage. Please continue to refer to our website for new developments
> www.freeplay.net
> We hope to have a product available early next year that fits your
> description.
> Kind regards
> Shona Baxter
> Freeplay Market Development
> 56-58 Conduit St, London, W1S 2YZ
> Tel No: 0207 851 2600
> Fax No: 0207 851 2700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric L. Strobel [mailto:fyzycyst_at_comcast.net]
> Sent: 05 April 2002 19:28
> To: info_at_freeplaygroup.com
> Subject: Newton/eMate Freeplay power source?
> Hi,
> What ever became of that prototype power source for the eMate? There are
> quite a number of folks on the NewtonTalk list (www.newtontalk.net) who
> would be very interested to hear of availability for this. Thanks for any
> info.
> - Eric.
> --
> Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^mailaps.org)
> =====================================================================
> Bioweapons? HA! I laugh at them!! *I've* cleaned the coffee urns
> at work!!!!
> =====================================================================
--Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^mailaps.org)
===================================================================== The odds are greatly against you being immensely smarter than everyone else in the field. If your analysis says your terminal velocity is twice the speed of light, you may have invented warp drive, but the chances are a lot better that you've screwed up. =====================================================================
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