On 4/7/2002 at 5:43 PM Chris Searles said:
>I would also be interested to hear how MoreInfo compares in this respect
>and if there's anyone using MoreInfo together with TimeTrax and, if so,
>for what reason.
---------To Which I Say---------
I had Time Trax, and would buy it if I weren't spending the money on More
Info. MI just does a lot more, and I can associate todos with notes about
them, and clients. I can look at a name in the names list and get a
complete logbook of calls, notes, todos etc associated with it. When I
work on a job for a client, I can keep all of the associated meeting notes
and upcoming todos ties to one place. Its awesome.
I do love the week and month view of TT though, and miss it a lot.
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