Re: [NTLK] Euro Symbol - Anything happen?

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 09:05:55 EDT

> Well, for instance, in a spreadsheet, you can't write 500.00usd. You need
> the $ symbol in order for the spreadsheet to work. :-)
This is a "feature" of Excel and Co. but in principle you can deal with
normal number w/o units and use the column header to put a unit on. If you
really had to process many different currencies together in a single
spreadsheet you could also carry a separate unit colum and have a separate
string processing for it. Do Excel spreadsheets allow different currencies
on one sheet and do they automatically convert them into each other? I don't
believe so.

With best Regards / Viele Gruesse!

Marco Mailand

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