[NTLK] Slowdown

From: Dar, S.- Shabaz - (S.Dar_at_Canon-Europa.com)
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 11:36:00 EDT


>Thanks for the help. I have just spent the last couple of hours tweaking
>the slowdown slide bars and trying out different combinations of
>communication speeds with varying degrees of success.

Run about 4-5 Slowdown's! Seriously. I have an 840Mhz laptop and had to run
2 at full pelt and a third at half speed. You may need more for a 1 Ghz
machine, just experiment. Run about 4, see how far along you get then add to
that. The reaction time thingy is separate. It literally slows down the
reaction you'd get from, say, right-clicking and the menu actually
appearing. You shouldn't need to fiddle with that.

Oh, and your backup will be slow. Walk the dog or something...

Shabaz Dar
Product Support Engineer
Canon Europe Ltd
Tel +44(0)20 8588 8414
Fax +44(0)20 8588 8903
Web: www.canon-europa.com
Email: s.dar_at_canon-europa.com

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