Re: [NTLK] T-Shirts

From: John Goggan (
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 22:38:27 EDT

Rich Lindsay wrote:
> I have not been able to set up a c2it account. I called support. They=20
> have problems with their system and MAc IE

c2it has so many problems with their site it isn't even funny. I was
referring people and eventually had to stop because of all the site errors
that they would get. Some would get signed up, some would not. They'd call
and be told to try again in either "4 hours" or "8 days". It was nuts.

They're trash. I'm not happy at all with c2it.

Plus, their international exchange rates are horrible! I sent about $500 to
Hong Kong and lost about $120 more in the exchange! Should have used
PayPal... :(

 - John...

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