I play two solitare games. One is SoloDeluxe v1.62
This version is the free one and plays very well on
OS2.0 newtons.
I also have FreeCell by Alexei Kopylov. This is also
quite good and free as well. But since the cards are a
little small, it can get confusing to see what you
have and where.
I second the opinion on TrashPak. Be careful
though...you can cause serious damage to the health of
your Newt if you don't use TrashPak with some caution!
web/gadget guru
--- John Skinner <john_at_johnskinner.net> wrote:
> Rolf Brakvatne wrote:
> > Could someone explain soups and Newton storage. I
> am very confused. Also,
> > how do you move and delete soups?
> >
> > Also, what is the best Solitaire game for the
> Newton? (wife wants to know)
> >
> > TIA
> > Rolf Brakvatne
> >
> > Sent from a Newton 2100
> > Long live the Newt!
> >
> >
> In short, Soups are where all your preferences are
> saved to. You might
> have a different soup for each applications
> settings.
> A good utility to view and delete Soups is TrashPak
> available from UNNA.
> http://www.unna.org/unna/utilites/TrashPak/
> I have not used any Solitaire games before so I
> don't know what's out
> there for Newtons.
> Hope This Helps!
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