Re: [NTLK] Gridpad? was RE: Newton Cadillac

From: Grant [Butter Soft] Hutchinson (
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 15:25:58 EDT

In a previous message, Tony Kan typed vigorously:

>Well, you got me curious... For those of us not in the know what was a
>GridPad and how did it compare with the Newt?

There were several different models of the GRiDPad. The ones that I have
are along the lines of those mentioned in this article:

I have a 1900, a 2050, a PalmPad 2350. They're mostly pen-based DOS
systems, although I do have one that runs Microsoft Windows for Pen 1.0.
The minimal HWR in WinPen was poor, as the software mainly worked in a
poke and tap frame of mind. The DOS models that I have, looks as though
they were designed specifically for vertical market applications. My GRiD
PalmPad 2350 for instance, boots into a custom data acquisition
application for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Other than the fact
that they are portable, have PCMCIA slots and use a stylus, you can't
really compare them to a Newton OS-based device.



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