Re: [NTLK] Accessing AppleTalk net via WLAN

From: Dale Steele (
Date: Sun Apr 14 2002 - 14:49:09 EDT

I am currently running this setup on my newton/airport base station
and I have both TCP and appletalk functions working. I can print, and
use NCU via my wireless appletalk and am sending/receiving email and
webpages. I have OS 9.2 on my powerbook where NCU is located. I have
the original base station running version 1.3 software I think. I
have an HP 2100 laser printer on my home network and have no trouble
sending newton print jobs to it this way. I believe that you need to
setup a "work" location for wireless appletalk to work and can send
more details if needed.

Good luck!

p.s. I should have sent this wirelessly as it's too nice a day to be indoors!

>on 14/04/02 03:23, hubertus at wrote:
>> Dear Newtonians,
>> I just installed the latest wlan driver to my 2100er and inserted the
>> orinoco gold wlan card. It works fine with software base station and
>> computer to computer network. I can browse the internet and connect
>> to my powerbook alright. But I can't connect to the appletalk
>> network, i.e. my laserprinter and other macs. Is this possible? I use
>> 9.2 and the Airport software. How should I configure it?
>I imagine that you're missing some kind of DHCP server for your network. The
>AirPort Base Station has the ability to do that, so that it can distributes
>IP addresses to every device on the network but I'm not sure that the
>AirPort Base Station can do it. See if you have a network section in there
>and if you have the option of "Distribute IP addresses".
>Laurent Daudelin <>
>Logiciels Nemesys Software
>droid n.: [from `android', SF terminology for a humanoid robot of
>essentially biological (as opposed to mechanical/electronic) construction] A
>person (esp. a low-level bureaucrat or service-business employee) exhibiting
>most of the following characteristics: (a) naive trust in the wisdom of the
>parent organization or `the system'; (b) a blind-faith propensity to believe
>obvious nonsense emitted by authority figures (or computers!); (c) a
>rule-governed mentality, one unwilling or unable to look beyond the `letter
>of the law' in exceptional situations; (d) a paralyzing fear of official
>reprimand or worse if Procedures are not followed No Matter What; and (e) no
>interest in doing anything above or beyond the call of a very
>narrowly-interpreted duty, or in particular in fixing that which is broken;
>an "It's not my job, man" attitude.
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