I'm kicking myself now for not taking any pics of me using my newton
throughout a month long trip through New Zealand. I'd send one of me
wirelessly computing under my apple tree in the back yard (where I am
now) but what would be the fun of that unless I could send everything
in via the Newt?
p.s. I guess we could also go for one of those group shots like Jason
O'grady always does at Macworld!
>In a previous message, Lee, Christopher J typed vigorously:
>>I'll be leaving for Penang soon, and hopefully I'll have a 2100 by
>>then...I'll be sure to take lotsa pictures...
>Excellent. This is exactly what we need to make this work. More global
>stuff and less shots of my Newton commuting downtown in my car.
>Grant Hutchinson Interface Considerations & Toys
>Live video served fresh since 1996. http://www.splorp.com/cam/
>Now fortified with daily ramblings. http://www.splorp.com/blog/
>Newton. It's the Palm with a brain. http://www.splorp.com/newton/
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