Re: [NTLK] Newton DIL Tester

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 03:34:47 EDT

Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 12:39:34 -0400
From: Laurent Daudelin <>

> > Unless someone shows me the documentation page on Apple's website, I
> > will say that ADSP isn't available through documented function,
> > therefore it is not available.
> > And no, OpenTransport on X doesn't handle it.
>I'm not sure by the level of support of AppleTalk in OS X, so I don't know
>if it really supports ADSP, but in order to print to my Personal LaserWriter
>NTR (over an AsanteTalk), I have to enable "AppleTalk" in the Network

I don't think this uses ADSP but another AppleTalk sub-protocol.

>So, it's there, in one form or another.

It seems to be in Darwin, but I don't know how to access it.
Like IrDA. There are IrDA software (for Palm) but no doc explaining
how they access IrDA layer of the OS.

>And if it wasn't there,
>there is no way that NCU in Classic would be able to connect to my MP2100.

This isn't a proof, on the contrary. NCU in classic uses the
Communication Toolbox which does ADSP itself.
Just like OpenTransport in Classic does IrDA, Serial, ADSP, etc, many
things you don't have in Carbon OT on X.


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