[NTLK] Newtons for sale!

From: speedy2 (speedy2_at_dag.net)
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 15:08:30 EDT

Hello all!

I am selling some of my Newtons. I'd like to keep the package below whole
and not split it up.

I'd also like to remind people that I purchased all of these Newtons
before certain *dealers* starting to trickle their supply out.

The package is:

1x Newton MP2000(upgraded)
There is a scratch on screen, and it is missing one door clip. Backlight
however is very bright, and touch screen works fine with screen protector.
Battery is in very good shape too

1x Newton MP2000(stock)
This unit I think was a "field" unit. It has some "wear" marks on the
screen, no door or clips and most of the rubber coating is gone. The unit
however works fine, battery holds a charge, backlight is bright and touch
input works fine.

1x Newton MP100
Unit is in *perfect* shape, with extra stylus. It has also a Newton
protective case

1x 9Watt Apple AC/DC adaptor
It works, what more can be said?

1xAA Battery holder
Brand new

1x Serial cable + dongle
Also works

1x 8MB Pretec PCMCIA Flash card
Lightly used in a Newton, in great shape

1x 4MB Pretec PCMCIA Flash card
Lightly used in the MP100, in great shape as well

1x USR 33.6 PCMCIA modem
Worked fine last time I checked, has a removable phone cord/dongle

1x 3COM 3C589 + dongle
Works great in the Newton, is in perfect shape, dongle is new

I'm also going to throw in an Abit KT7A motherboard. It has the latest
BIOS and was working before I upgraded a system. The specs are here:


Motherboard is bare, has no CPU or memory.

I'm asking $200USD + actual shipping charges. I would certainly consider a
trade for a Handera 330 or a non-working iPaq(depends on the problem).

Some may feel the price is too high, but I did purchase these Newtons (for
*much* more) before the whole $150 deal went through. I'm not a dealer,
and I'm not trying to make money on the deal. I'd much prefer to sell to
someone on the list than to eBay or do anything else.


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