Re: [NTLK] Is there any Newton emulator?

From: Enzo Borri (
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 11:30:35 EDT

On 16-04-2002 5:19 PM Smith, Bradley, <> wrote:

>The number of people that have asked this recently!
>You'll get a bunch of replies to this ranging from read the FAQ to a bunch
>of half completed projects like Gnuton etc.

Ok, I apologize! I readed the news before making other question but not
before this! :-)

>My reply however is "You can't emulate something this good!"

Hmmm... true... but think how nice can be if you can test a SW on your
Mac without installing it on the Newton itself... :-)

Thanks a lot for the prompt reply.


| Enzo Borri | Busto Arsizio (ITALY) | +39 3477273115 |
| Formazione | Consulenza Informatica | Antipirateria |
| Training | I.T. consulting | Antipiracy |

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