Re: [NTLK] [OT] MagicCap

From: Bradford Schmidt (
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 12:26:02 EDT

On 4/16/2002 at 1:48 AM John Charlton said:

>Sort of collecting UI design (playing with an Audrey now). That's what got

>me into Newtonia really, had to try this amazing, gravity-defying thing.
>Now may have to keep my eyes open for a MagicCap as well.

---------To Which I Say---------

Yeah - I wouldn't mind a datarover (grant.....) but what is Audrey? Sounds
familiar, but I cant place it.

BeOS was pretty neat BTW - I enjoyed playing with it. Personally, I want
to try OS/2 Warp 4.


Bradford Schmidt
Bradford Schmidt IMC

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