Re: [NTLK] Alarm Clock with speech?

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 15:01:10 EDT


Stephanie inspired me. I modified her Newtonscript for speaking the time
out loud to suit my preferences. In case anybody's interested, here it is:

What's different is:
1. Removed date from spoken phrase
2. played with the word rate and emphasis to make the phrase sound better
to MY ears.
3. Speak in maximum volume (it's too quiet to me otherwise)
4. Fixed pronounciation of "AM" -- TTS now says it as "Ayy Emm" instead of

Fun stuff, no?


local thevolume:=getvolume();
local t := HourMinute(Time());
local d := LongDateStr(Time(), @66 .abbrDateStrSpec);
local u := "The [[emph +]]time is ";
local theLen := StrLen(t);
local tt := t;
if StrPos(t, "am", 0) then local tt := SubStr(t, 0, theLen-1)&".m";
local vox := "[[svox kath;rate 150]]";
PlaySound(vox&u&"[[rate 75]]"&tt);

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