Ahhhh...you need LIBRARIAN, my friend...
-----Original Message-----
From: willh_at_msoft.com [mailto:willh_at_msoft.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:25 PM
To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
Subject: [NTLK] Another source for Newton Book Material
Hey all,
Over on http://www.baen.com, which is a Sciece Fiction book publisher, they
have a couple of services.
One, is the Free Library, from which can be downloaded selected texts in
full, for free, and Webscriptions, from which you can subscribe and get
access to 4 books each month (there are some details on the webscription,
but you can look them up if interested).
Anyway, they offer the texts in several formats, including a simple
monolithic RTF file.
These files would be fine sources for potential personal Newton books.
It helps to be Science Fiction/Fantasy fan.
The Webscription is almost compelling. 4 books for $15 is a pretty good
deal. One of their current books this month is James Hogan "Code of the
Lifemaker", which is a pretty good book.
I dowloaded "Fallen Angels" from their Free Library site. I downloaded it as
an RTF. It has a large graphic in it (the book cover). I haven't tried it
with NewtonPress yet, but I will tonight. I think I may need to remove the
graphic, if for no other reason to at least save space.
But, ideally it should just drop in and work.
Anyway, for those looking for potentially something published later than the
1920's, and you like Science Fiction, it may be worth while taking a look.
I wish the Newt had an external button for scrolling, rather than having to
use the pen. :-/
Best Regards,
Will Hartung
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