[NTLK] OT -- Mac software for kids

From: Prabhakar Ragde (plragde_at_plg2.math.uwaterloo.ca)
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 11:58:54 EDT

Bob asked:

>I am asking you venerable bunch whether there exists any mac software for
>kids, ie a cut down version of appleworks, and outlook express, something
>for my daughter who is eight so she can do her own letterheads and
>stationery with pretty pictures and maybe something she could use to send

My kids, ages 9 and 7, have no problem with using Netscape 5 or
Mail.app to handle their own email. They also seem to be using
AppleWorks at school. Try turning off as many toolbar displays as you
can and show her a few basic commands. You might be surprised at how
fast she picks things up.

We have used Print Shop Deluxe in the past to make birthday party
invitations and other cards, but I think adults were involved in the
process, and I don't know if it does stationery. --PR

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