> It's good to know that most of these are productive.
>How that exactly? Are they running SETI_at_Newton or are they all webservers?
In the near future I'll post pics.
Due to the limited internal memory, I have to have a minimal amount of =
software per Newt.(except my MAIN unit), therefore I carry/use 4 total, =
business and personal.
>> It's good to know that after all the ebay one are sold, I still have =
>> to use and offer.
>I would now appreciate to have one here as replacement for the defective
>unit of a friend, who wants me to do the repair.
>With best Regards / Viele Gruesse!
>Marco Mailand
We've got a LaNUG member offering to sell one, but shipping might be a =
!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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