on 20/04/02 18:15, Eric L. Strobel at fyzycyst_at_comcast.net wrote:
> somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 4/19/02 11:52 AM, the entity
> known as Laurent Daudelin transmitted the following from
> laurent_daudelin_at_fanniemae.com:
>> In French, we say "points
>> cardinaux", but I have no idea in English!)
> Actually there's an English phrase exactly like that... the cardinal
> points. Usually, though, they're referred to as the points of the compass.
Thanks, Eric.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comcode monkey n.: 1. A person only capable of grinding out code, but unable to perform the higher-primate tasks of software architecture, analysis, and design. Mildly insulting. Often applied to the most junior people on a programming team. 2. Anyone who writes code for a living; a programmer. 3. A self-deprecating way of denying responsibility for a management decision, or of complaining about having to live with such decisions. As in "Don't ask me why we need to write a compiler in COBOL, I'm just a code monkey."
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