Re: [NTLK] Help with WaveLAN and Airport

From: Dale Steele (
Date: Sun Apr 21 2002 - 00:11:01 EDT

I had what at least sounds like the same problem. When I went back
over my settings for the 10th time (it seemed anyway) it turned out I
hadn't actually named my basestation newton as I recall. As soon as I
made this correction, I was in business on the net. I think I have
this right but I didn't go downstairs to check which airport setting
I changed to get things going.

Good luck, it's great fun.


>I have my Airport 2.x base station up and running with my dual USB 600MHz
>ibook. I can surf, e-mail, share files with my other Macs, etc but cannot
>connect with my Newton MessagePad 2100. I keep getting a "... cannot
>connect with DHCP server ..." error message.
>My Airport is set up as a bridge to the wired ethernet lan and I am using
>DHCP. The network name is "Newton", encryption is off, channel is 11.
>I have the alpha3 driver and a WaveLAN silver in the Newt with all of the
>usual ethernet packages. Card is setup for Appletalk. (The Newt connects
>just fine through DHCP on the wired network!)
>I have read most of the NewtonTalk archive articles but, nothing seems to
>shed any light on the problem.
>What am I missing here?
>Thank you.
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