1. 32MB Card slows Newton down, crashes!
2. Is there a version of Cogio for Newton - where to get it?
I recently got a 32MB Card for my Newton. I had some problems with it and
would appreciate your help - possibly from the more experienced Newton
owners. I still got some other questions, but since they are not that
important, I will ask only one more, the others later. Maybe someone can
* More on Nr. 1 (very short version):
After I got the card (PRETEC), I inserted it into the Newton (German 2100).
It seemed to be erased but to be sure I erased it one more time. Then I
started filling it, still a bit scared of the size ;-) Put about 100 books
(not frozen) on it, and some mp3 (10MB). No problem so far. Then I started
SBM Utils and after choosing "clean" it started but in step two it
(repeatedly) hang. I could not switch the light on, the Newt would not
accept stylus input (which he sometimes does even when he is busy). I could
even not do a soft-reset with the button on the back. I had to pull out the
After reinstalling and checking everything I could narrow it down to the
amount of software installed on the card. With nothing on it SBM would work
fine, and with a certain amount of books on it, no problems. But after about
16MB on the card, the Newton will crash. If I freeze the stuff on the card,
I can put more on it with SBM working but MUCH slower than normal (until
unacceptable slow), but after some point it will crash. The Newton will also
crash when too much is not frozen on startup (installation is fine, but then
no way to start up!).
One time I had "Extras" crash when copying from my old card to the new one.
When marking a lot of books and choose "freeze" (Extra-Extras) it will
crash. I installed all 80 Waba apps that come in the package and after
playing with a lot of them the background picture of Avi's Backdrop had just
disappeared! When looking at the audio memory (about 10MB, 4 files), it
would take about 30s to open. Sometimes when choosing memory info it would
take about the same time (being able to switch on the light to see that the
Newton has not crashed).
So my feeling is that there could be a "memory problem" because there is too
much (unfrozen) on the card? Or could it be an error with the card?
* More on Nr. 2:
While looking for Newton games, I found these two pages
where it says
This game (Cogito) has been produced by the french company Atreid Conceptin
1992, on the following computers : PC, Macintosh and Newton.
I enjoyed playing the game some years ago on the Mac and would like to play
it on the Newton. Is there anyone who knows if the information on the
webpage is correct and where to find the game? Maybe someone has it sitting
around and would like to give it away or sell it for a small fee?
Thank's in advance for any help.
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