[NTLK] Stylus Review

From: Bradford Schmidt (brad_at_bradfordschmidt.com)
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 16:53:42 EDT


All that debate on styli got me wanting one - and I spent way too much time
looking around. Here is what I found for me personally:

I didn't like the Rotring or in fact any of the multis that have different
choices in teh barrel, because all the ones I tried rattled. That bugged

I bought a space pen, which I really love (the bullet one) but it wasn't
quite right for me either - it rattles a small amount (the ink refile moves
in the barrel) and it's a bit undersized. I'll keep it though, becasue I
am a huge fan of space pens and they are easy to keep in the pocket.

My choice, and I am REALLY happy, is the cross digital duo. Not the morph
( i hate that thing) but the basic one with the stylus on one end, and the
standard cross roller on the other. Nice size, looks good, doesn't rattle,
can use any cross insert, and the stylus ROCKS. Best feel I have ever

I know at least one other person on the list uses one and likes it. I
highly recommend it.


Bradford Schmidt
Bradford Schmidt IMC

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