Re: [NTLK] it's a hoax-was: FW: Fwd: [OT] Christian fanatic Attacking Apple

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 23:31:41 EDT

somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 4/23/02 5:47 PM, the entity known
as hal9000x transmitted the following from

> It's a hoax. Check out:
> Will
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 05:31 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
>> Ummm, try back-tracking alot of it.
>> Judy
>> On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Eric L. Strobel wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, you overestimate the intellectual capabilities of these
>>> extreme radicals. I've heard of some of these anti-Apple things
>>> before, and
>>> this fellow's views on how involved the conspiracy against his
>>> viewpoint is,
>>> are not (unfortunately) dissimilar to other sites.
>>> I'm afraid that there's no compelling reason to believe this to be a
>>> parody.
>> --
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Possibly it's a hoax, but I *know* I've heard of a Dr. Dinosaur before in
Creationist circles. Also, the fact that there's no "Fellowship University"
listed anywhere means nothing -- many of these off-the-wall churches set up
their own self-contained "divinity" schools. They don't have to be
accredited. As long as *some* church ordains you, you become a minister as
far as the IRS and anyone else is concerned.

Plus, this "Objective" website is linked from: . The CUDI site also appears
legit, but of course, one would have to spend the time to back-track THAT
site as well. But the fact that you find dead-ends when back-tracking
doesn't prove much. After all, if you found a website where the contact
info was an @Home email addy, you might not find that person either.

If this is a hoax, then it's TOO skillfully done, because there are
genuinely people who believe things like that. (In fact, this isn't the
first time I've heard the Apple-is-evil type of thing. Nor the first time
I've heard that Pokemon are evil. After all, just remember the TeleTubbies

BTW, most of the time the church is mentioned as simply Fellowship Baptist,
of which there's a boatload throughout the Bible belt (and elsewhere). I'm
not sure how one could look up whether there ever HAD been a "Mt. Fellowship
Baptist" in the recent past. Also, there's a number of Richard Paley's,
although I'm not sure how you'd establish how old they are or what their
educational background is. Many preachers have a Doctor of Divinity, but
don't use Dr. in their names, so the fact that MacObserver couldn't find a
*Doctor* Richard Paley means little. Not to mention that his *doctorate*
could've come from a non-accredited institution...

Oh well... we may never fully establish if this is a hoax or not. Just
remember, though, that even if *this* one is, there are others out there
whose very similar rantings are NOT a hoax.

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

===================================================================== If aviation had grown as slowly as space travel, the first paying customer would have flown in 1943 -- in the 1,657th expendable Wright Flyer. =====================================================================

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