[NTLK] OT - Off Topic - Anatomy

From: Frank Gruendel (Frank_Gruendel_at_t-online.de)
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 16:45:42 EDT

>> Hardly likely. I mean, while lying on top with a Newton
>> taped to ones chest it's kinda difficult. Reading eMail, I mean.

> Not my chest, 'her' chest.

I was perfectly aware of that. This mail was a reply to a list
member's question regarding what the person in question would
say when she read the email with your initial description.
Which, as I correctly pointed out, would be extremely difficult
for somebody to whose chest a Newton was taped in a way that
another person could gaze (at the star chart that started
this thread in the first place, I mean). Even if said anybody
was *not* lying on top.

What an inspiring way to waste bandwidth. Has anybody here
noticed over the years that this list is constantly improving my


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