Ok - you may indeed be right. I had hacked OSX onto my accelerated 9600 and
test drove Entourage from the latest Office for Mac about two months ago, so
my memory of that one may be incorrect (have since restored back to OS9). I
could have sworn that worked, though, because that is how I handle
newsgroups in general on all my platforms (PC, Mac, NeXT). Oh well. Sorry !
Paul Nuernberger
> From: Laurent Daudelin <nemesys_at_cox.rr.com>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] OT: on OT
> on 24/04/02 22:55, Paul Nuernberger at newton_at_thenuernbergers.com wrote:
>> Um ... huh ?? I've used both OE and Entourage and IIRC you simply select
>> View/Threaded in the menu and click on the sent column in the message list
>> window. Voila - threaded view sorted by date of first message.
> Maybe in OE, but not in Entourage X. I had "Threaded" checked in the "View"
> menu. So, I went in the list and clicked on the "Sent" column, like you
> suggest. Yes, the messages are now sorted by date, but they're no longer
> threaded. I just went back to the "View" menu and the "Threaded" item is no
> longer checked. I'm not positively sure for Entourage 2001, but I thought it
> had the same problem. Are you sure you got it to work with Entourage? I've
> been using OE too long ago, so I don't remember...
> -Laurent.
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