Re: [NTLK] On the subject of OT solutions

From: Bradford Schmidt (
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 13:02:18 EDT

On 4/25/2002 at 9:48 AM said:

>Personally, I'm not a fan of web boards. I'm much less apt to participate
>one. If I had my way, this would be a newsgroup (and I guess the real
>question on how this list gets all of the traffic while c.s.n.misc is,
>essentially, dead).
>But I appreciate that newsgroups are harder to use for some. I took me a
>while to get a news provider.
>Besides, a web board would have just as much OT stuff as not.
---------To Which I Say---------

I love newsgroups - but the only point about a web board is that since they
are threaded, you wouldn't need to look at any ot threads in which you did
not want to participate.


Bradford Schmidt
Bradford Schmidt IMC

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