Re: [NTLK] OT: on OT

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 02:59:35 EDT

on 4/26/02 3:54 AM, Eric L. Strobel at wrote:

> I believe the gripe is that it would be nice to order the entire threads by
> date, not just w/in each thread.

I can think of one good reason to have the threads listed by subject. If
they are sorted by subject, the same threads are usually in about the same
place in the folder view. In other words, the audio adapter is at or about
the top, and the palm threads are somewhere in the middle or toward the
bottom. I can follow threads pretty quickly because they are sorted by
topic, and not by the date of the first message in a thread (which could get
rather anarchic, now that I think of it. I have no problems with sorting by
subject to get threaded. I will give Victor credit, in that NewtonTalk is
the best email list (to which I'm subscribed) for its threads together.
Other lists somehow have the same thread split up in several places, yet
NewtonTalk keeps them together quite well. Do you put something in the
header that helps Entourage and OE to keep them together?

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
"[The] law established by the Creator, which has existed from the beginning,
extends over the whole globe, is everywhere and at all times binding upon
mankind. . . . and is paramount to all human control." --Rufus King, signer
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