[NTLK] British Newtoneers in Berlin was, aye, take that wee spider OOOT!

From: Simon Roberts (srob_at_mac.com)
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 15:00:19 EDT

on 26.04.2002 20:53 Uhr, mark at markds_at_mac.com wrote:

> Simon Roberts <srob_at_mac.com> writes:
>> Ah ha, another British Newton user in Berlin!
>> Simon
> Do you mean "another" or "yet another". IOW, is it just the two of
> us ?
> Whatever, its one more than I was aware of.
> Don't suppose you are in beaming distance ? ;-D
> mark.

You're the only other one that I am aware of - maybe more will pipe up.

I'm in Lichtenrade when at home and Adlershof at work. Is that beaming
distance for you?


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