Re: [NTLK] LCD & TouchPad - Where to Find?

From: Jesse Garnier (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 16:30:31 EDT

Luiz Petroni wrote not long ago (4/26/02 10:30 AM):

> Is there any company / person who sells a complete kit with new lcd +
> backlight (white / gree / blue ) + touch pad for a MP2100?
> What do you suggest me:
> Buy all this stuff (if I find) and upgrade my MP2100 (I can handle the
> procedure, I suppose...) or buy a complete MP2100?

There's Calvin Grier's backlight/touchscreen project too:

He posts updates on the list periodically, but his page says he's not ready
to ship any kits yet. I'm curious about his progress and hope things are
going smoothly.


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