1) I think this is over-kill. Now-up-to-date is still just a vertical
app IMHO, another date book/contact manager. I'm just interested in the
Sync part and building on that. As I stated before, I think the focus
should be on a HotSync/IntelliSync-like product, not a "Newton Desktop".
2) There are several people who refuse to accept that, hence LookOut,
OutLink, Notes2Notes, the utility to sync with Entourage, etc... (yes
that was a M$-centric list, but that's what I have experience with)
Each of those people wrote an app from the ground up to do as job, in
the case of LookOut and OutLink, the same job.
3) If any of us wanted to "get over it" we wouldn't be here, in this
group, using what we use. Our Newton would be in a drawer or the trash
and we'd all have P*alm or CE devices.
I truly think that some of the guys who have written programs for us
should be in the Space Program. If a few of them would get together and
try to write a common app, we'd be set as users and I know that I would
be MORE than happy to pay. Heck, I paid my registration for BackTalk
last week, 2-days after I learned that it exists. I don't even own a
P*lm to beam to! I doubt anyone can ever make a living again writing
programs for the Newton, but I'll certainly do what I can to show my
appreciation for the time they spend doing it.
-----Original Message-----
From: SlashDevNull [mailto:slashdevnull_at_mac.com]=20
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 3:11 AM
To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Be-all End-all sync app...
Ok, the way I see this is there are three choices.
1) Start a petition that shows someone EXACTLY how much money there
is to
be made by creating this product. Someone once said that
or a similar program, worked with Newton connectivity up to version 3.9.
It is now at version 4.1. If we got a good number of people that
pledged to purchase this program if they re-enabled the Newton
connectivity, I am sure they would get it working again. We simply have
to have more people give them money than it would cost, plus a
worthwhile profit. A good thing in our favor is that the Newton, for
all intents and purposes, is a dead platform. And I mean dead, as in
Latin. It doesn't change.
2) We can all do what I did. Simply accept the fact that there is no
way to sync with a desktop app and simply enter and keep everything on
the Newton. Rather than have my info in 2 places, the Newton and a PIM,
I keep it on the Newton.
3) Get over it.
This is a simple dollars issue. We need to pay someone to do the
work. Believe me, I am a coder and it is NO fun reverse engineering
protocols and data stores. If we gave some company a million dollars,
they would write an app. It is that simple. I am assuming that we
don't have a million dollars to give so we need to pledge enough to make
it worth their while.
Personally I think the best bet is to get that company to re-implement
the Newton code. They have code that works. It worked 5 years ago, and
it will work now.
But we need A LOT of people, I'm guessing at least a thousand, to
stand up, pledge their money, and send in emails stating that.
Or we can all wait for someone else to do something.
> on 4/27/02 7:10 AM, tfbiii_at_nbscomputers.net at tfbiii_at_nbscomputers.net
> wrote:
>> I can't be the only one who has ever had this thought. Someone who=20
>> actually has some skill must have at least started working on=20
>> something or a plan of some type.
> The problem is that several people have started, but nobody has=20
> finished... That should tell us something, although I'm not sure=20
> what... :-)
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