on 27/04/02 03:19, Laurent Daudelin at nemesys_at_cox.rr.com wrote:
> on 27/04/02 00:14, Grant [Good Morning] Hutchinson at grant_at_splorp.com
> wrote:
>> In a previous message, Laurent Daudelin typed vigorously:
>>> I think that the original author put some kind of prevention. If NetTime
>>> finds that there is too much difference between the time it would set your
>>> Newton to and the time your Newton has, it won't do it. Try to increase the
>>> value for "Max acceptable minutes different". I have mine set at 60
>>> (minutes) and don't have any problem. BTW, I'm using ntp2.usno.navy.mil.
>> Yep. I futzed around with the setting and that's the same thing I
>> discovered. Set it higher that the current difference and it will provide
>> a sync. Now, if I could just figure out why the "Auto Sync" checkbox
>> doesn't stay checked.
> That's because there is a bug in the program in what it doesn't create the
> needed slot in the pref when you check the box. You have to manually create
> that slot. I'll try to check it over the weekend and will report if I find
> something.
OK, if anybody is interested, the slot that you need to create is
"NetTimeAutoSync:DTS". Put true as its value. This slot needs to be added to
the first entry in the system soup.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comCOBOL /koh'bol/ n.: [COmmon Business-Oriented Language] (Synonymous with evil.) A weak, verbose, and flabby language used by card wallopers to do boring mindless things on dinosaur mainframes. Hackers believe that all COBOL programmers are suits or code grinders, and no self-respecting hacker will ever admit to having learned the language. Its very name is seldom uttered without ritual expressions of disgust or horror. One popular one is Edsger W. Dijkstra's famous observation that "The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense."
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