Re: [NTLK] FS: Modem, Ethernet card, powersupply, etc. Best offer per piece or for all.

From: Stephen Swift (aka Burnum) (
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 19:39:54 EDT

At 4/28/02 6:31 PM, Drew Loker ( Wrote:

> Hey Newtonians. I have a few access that I would like to part with. I am
> hanging on to my Newt. (sorry)
> - 3Com Ehternet card with Dongle (3c589c)

As of now, I am bidding on this exact card on ebay. If I am out bid I'll
contact you to see if you still have this available.

> - 56k modem, Newton compatible, fax and internet browse capable

What do you want for this? I have a 36.6 modem and I'm trying to justify
upgrading. If it's not to pricey I'll buy.

> - 1 Interconnect Dongle

I was just wondering what this is. I don't think I need it, but perhaps I
do! :-) So, could you tell me what it is?

> - StyleWriter I printer, perfect for the Newton

Hmm, a printer for the Newton would be nice... How much do you want? (I'm
sorry that I'm not making bids. I have no idea what things are worth.)

Stephen Swift =BF' The Burnum Man

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