Exactly. It's a sign of respect, and the manner in
which you address someone reflects the level of
respect towards that individual. Although sometimes,
an over-exagerated level of respect can portray the
exact opposite...on purpose! Thereby, the inverse can
also be possible. The over-exagerated level of
disrespect can be a form of respect. (for the
web/gadget guru
http://newton.tek-ed.com (download Newton packages)
http://npds.tek-ed.com (my NPDS server and it's new
--- tfbiii_at_nbscomputers.net wrote:
> You mean like saying ed instead of Ed? What about
> e.e. cummings?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Kummel [mailto:tech_ed_at_yahoo.com]=20
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 9:55 AM
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] OT - P*lm and Un*x
> Actually, I look at it as a form of disrespect
> towards
> a platform that took advantage of an audience
> created
> by the Newt and was ultimatly partly responsible for
> it's untimely demise! Basically, there's not even
> enough respect to even use it's name. Kinda like not
> using capital letters when addressing someone! Sure
> it's petty, but when in a revolution, it's the cause
> that matters!
> Ed
> web/gadget guru (and parttime armchair
> revolutionary!)
> --- Jim Witte <jswitte_at_bloomington.in.us> wrote:
> >=20
> > > some sort of 'I'm a cool
> > > hacker dude who spells it different because all
> of
> > the old linux people
> > > used
> > > to spell Unix 'Un*x''?
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