Re: [NTLK] Newton battery questions

From: Michael Mays (
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 16:01:28 EDT

And this, years before Palm put quick-charge batteries in their PDAs.
I'm very, very impressed. :D I no longer refer to my Newton as a's now a "palmtop computer" whereas everything else is just a
PDA. :)

One more question I've thought up. Does the 2x00 have a backup battery
like the 1x0 series? And if so, how do I replace this? And if not, what
happens if I pull the battery out... do I lose any of my data?


Michael Mays

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Abramowitz
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 2:49 PM
To: Newton
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton battery questions

On 4/29/02 3:39 PM, "Michael Mays" <> wrote:

> 1) I'm assuming the battery charges when plugged in while the
> is powered off, but am I wrong in this?

You are correct. As long as it's plugged in, it's charging.

> 2) How long should a battery typically take to charge in the
> MP2000? It seems like I plug mine in and 10 minutes or so later it's
> done charging. And the battery meter on Avi's Backdrop seems to climb
> like a rocket when it's plugged in. I thought these sort of batteries
> would take much more time to charge up. It would be NICE if it only
> took a few minutes to charge, but I'm not going to assume anything of
> the sort. Does this mean that my battery is screwy? Last time I
> it it lasted a very long time on battery.
Yup - it only takes a few minutes to fully charge - life is good.

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