Hello all (again).
I have updated the Newton Streamed Object Decoder. It is now a FULLY
decoder for streamed Newton Objects (but still only on the Mac because of
endian-ness, someone PLEASE look at byte_order.c and help me with that!).
Now that this library has been finished, I will continue developing fncu,
Newton Connection Utilities). I would appreciate someone telling me
what to send in the kDPassword response to the Newton - then I would be
further along in the development of fncu.
The library compiles and works correctly on Mac OS X, so progress!
Little-endian is broken (ix86) - sample_stream works, but
doesn't (the sample stream comes from the Newton Formats manual)
It's at http://anrp.irulethe.net/newt/
Andrew Patrikalakis
Sent with a Newton - Long Live the Green!
"Application <unknown> caused <unknown> in module <unknown> at <unknown>"
Actual error message from Windows
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