Stephanie had posted a message about this yesterday - turns out if you enter
anything in the Wavelan Setup (which appears under Add...in the worksite, it
will foul it up. So you basically have to wipe out the worksite and recreate
it - worked like a charm.
- Dave
On 4/29/02 10:13 PM, "Dale Steele" <dtsteele_at_mac.com> wrote:
> I've had this error under the same circumstances but am still using
> the driver. I have removed the card before restarting and think this
> solved the problem as long as I don't call up the show all info
> feature again. I'd like to know more about why this happens too.
> Dale
>> Well, I was correct (sorry, Robert!) after all. Here is how I can get a
>> -48402 error without fail, with the driver installed. Maybe someone can try
>> it, and see it if happens for you too:
>> 1. Bring up Owner Info
>> 2. Tap on one of your worksites (I have Home and Work, and this happens with
>> Home)
>> 3. Tap on Show All
>> Bingo, error comes up. The only way I can make it go away is to delete the
>> alpha3 driver, which sucks because I wanted to actually make use of the
>> WaveLan card.. :(
>> - Dave
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