[NTLK] AUGUST UPDATE This Old Newt up again

From: Rich Lindsay (rich_at_thisoldnewt.net)
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 08:33:56 EDT

After an ugly July with BIG hosting problems, we are on a new server. :)

This Old Newt can be found at www.thisoldnewt.net until our old domain
is in our control again.

Some scripts and links etc may still be down.
Please report all bugs to us at webmaster_at_thisoldnewt.net

This new/ Temp URL is going to be the update for the month.
We promise new content in September.

This Old Newt is probably the oldest longest running continually updated
Newton site available today. As Newton sites died and went away we
salvaged some old content and services.
Such as :
The "Son of Ultimate Newton" Links pages which are growing as we speak.
You may add your own site at any time.
"Newton Swap Meet" is a place to post items for sale like the Old
"Newton Classifieds".
We stepped in and saved the "Newton WebRing" which we manage to this day.
We also take care of the NTLK back up Emergency list which we created
when the old PN servers went out (Good thing we did as it may have been
the end of this list before Victor got the new list running)
We also have a bit of our own software on our software pages.
We are the keepers of the "Newton Used Price Guide ™©"
Every year we host the" Newtie Awards™©"
We have an annual Newton Contest with "fabulous Prizes"
We are among the hosts of the Official Newton FAQ (its also searchable
on our site)
We Mirror the NewtonTIL
We have our own hints and tips and tricks section.
We interview Newton Community movers and shakers and feature a new
person every month.
And there is more!!


Visit us at www.thisoldnewt.net we are glad to be back!

Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html
Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net/

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