Re: [NTLK] Simple Mail question

From: Jesse Garnier (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 20:50:04 EDT

Uncheck the "authenticate" box in the SimpleMail slip in your Owner Info.
That's for APOP, not regular-style authentication. SimpleMail will still
login to your mailserver, using the id and password of the email address
shown at the top of the slip (and entered elsewhere in your Owner Info.)


--Jesse (G.!)

Gleb Dolgich wrote not long ago (8/8/02 7:00 PM):

> Hi all,
> When I try to receive mail in SimpleMail, it tells me of an -ERR reported =
> by my POP3 server. After installing the debug version it became clear that =
> my POP3 server does not support APOP authentication. It works with =
> EnRoute, but I'd like to use SimpleMail. Is there a way to turn off APOP =
> there?
> Another question: is it possible to quote a message in EnRoute when =
> composing a reply?
> Thanks, and best wishes,
> Gleb Dolgich
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