[NTLK] WTB: Newton Accessories

From: Black Crow (ideaparkgeek_at_yahoo.co.uk)
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 11:38:47 EDT

I recently acquired a Newton 2000 with a modem and a battery that holds a 1+ hour charge.
Unfortunately little ole newt is lonely.

I am looking for a few accessories and I hope someone might be able to help me out with finding
them at a fair price. I don't want to go with GEM since their prices are BADLY inflated (35$ for a
15$ dongle.....) Anyways, any help would be appreciated.

Looking for a Newton Keyboard (Any condition)
Memory Card (2 MB would be fine, so long as it has NIE and NetHopper on it ;) )
Battery Cage (I don't mind if it is broken)
Dongle - well, perhaps 35$ isn't TOO bad, but still I'd liek to know where the people who are
getting 15$ dongles are getting 'em from).



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