I think this is a dutch auction, that would be $50 each, not 100 for $50.
Laurent Daudelin <nemesys_at_cox.net>@newtontalk.net on 08/13/2002 01:07:08 AM
Please respond to newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
Sent by: newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net
To: NewtonTalk <newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net>
cc: (bcc: Randy Minton/CommScope)
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Used Linear Flash Cards
on 12/08/02 22:16, Darren Mattone at dmattone_at_imageguild.com wrote:
> What's the scoop on used linear flash cards? I some that someone (a power
> seller) on ebay has 100 used Pretec 32MB flash cards for $50 and wondered
> what type of risk I take buying used memory cards.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1372059402
> I'm new to purchasing things for my MP2000(UG) so any advice is
Using a used card is fine as long as the card hasn't been used in some
routers. Those routers have been reported to wear off a card pretty
as there is a certain number of write cycles that can be achieved before
card starts getting bad sectors. As soon as the card has a bad sector, the
Newton OS cannot map out the sector and use those known to be good, so the
card cannot be used anymore in any MP. Try to learn from the seller where
the card was used before.
-- ============================================================================Laurent Daudelin <http://members.cox.net/nemesys > Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.net
bug-compatible adj.: [common] Said of a design or revision that has been badly compromised by a requirement to be compatible with fossils or misfeatures in other programs or (esp.) previous releases of itself. "MS-DOS 2.0 used \ as apath separator to be bug-compatible with some cretin's choice of / as an option character in 1.0."
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