[NTLK] MP2k Power Adapter Hack

From: christian Marg (christian.marg_at_tu-clausthal.de)
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 09:43:15 EDT


Daniel Padilla schrieb:

> This may be interesting for non-US users.
> I removed this plastic piece to be able to use a plug-type-changer from a motorola cellular phone charger.

I also had to use Apples Europlug adaptor, which sucks because it's too bulky. So here is my way of changing the
I simply attached a Powercord (two wires, with Europlug on the other side) to the US-Plug (while it's still folded
into the Adapter) using 6.3 millimeter "Flachsteckhülsen" (Thats what we call them in Germany ;) I think they are
often used in automotive applications and so on.) With a little force they fit perfectly onto the US-Powerplug
pins ;)
I soldered the wires of my Powercord to the 6,3mm Flatplugs and shrinkwrapped the whole thing for insulation. Now
I can use my MP Poweradaptor in Germany _AND_ carry it around in a slim pocket.

Might not be really elegant but works for me. I can't show you pictures of it, because I don't have webspace
readily available (I don't think it would even make any sense to show any, because they would only show a MP
Poweradaptor shrinkwrapped in red plastic with two cables coming out of it instead of one...).


HiWi PC-Administration
Rechenzentrum TU-Clausthal

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