Uh...I'm a little confused...
Fax number...where do you say your fax number isn't
but should be?
I just checked my owner's card and my Fax number is
there. I also checked the owner's cards that I
received via beaming from other Newton-ites and their
fax numbers are there as well. So what's puzzling to
me is that you say your's isn't...
Please enlighten us and perhaps there is a feature
that you don't know about that we can let you in on...
web/gadget guru
--- Robert Lindsley <me_at_robertlindsley.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Ok. I am going to propose a crazy idea. I really
> love the Newt, but I am
> finding some of its limitations to be a little hard
> to handle. As an
> example, if I need to give somebody my FAX number,
> for some reason itıs not
> stored in the Newt, but it is stored in my iPod.
> The problem certainly is
> not horrible, but sometimes I feel like I have to
> carry around 2 sets of my
> contacts.
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