[NTLK] I'm Baaack

From: Thomas Hofts (thofts_at_mac.com)
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 00:26:34 EDT

I have moved from Kansas to the Tampa FL area and finally got connected to
the internet. Now I have to get used to it raining every afternoon!

During the move my 2100 got a great workout tracking expenses, mileage etc.

At my new job a lot of people come by and ask "What's that?" I got into a
handwriting recognition competition with the plant engineer and his new
Compaq iPac. Score: Newton 1 - iPac 0. He was amazed that it recognized
his cursive scrawl. He pointed out that his iPac fit on his belt. I
pointed out that he still carried a paper notepad to meetings. His

An update on my NiMh "freezer battery reconditioning" After 3 months the
time to fully charge the battery at 20% capacity is 45 to 50 min and I'm
getting a good 2 days of full use before recharge.

I'll be setting the list on vacation by the end of the week as I head back
to KS to get the moving van and my family moved here. I'll be back after
labor day!

PS. Nice to see the familiar names as well as the new members to

Tom Hofts
Brandon, FL


Visit my homepage at:


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