Re: [NTLK] Listing of Packages on Card

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 10:48:31 EDT

On 29/08/02 10:25, "Robin Kidd" <> wrote:

> Unfortunately that does not show everything. My Info on memory used on
> my card shows 3773K whereas the select all icons on the card store only
> shows a totoal of 550K. Am I missing something here?

There might be some fragmentation, you know. But, that wouldn't explain such
a big difference. So, I suspect you're not seeing everything in extras.

So, when you Extras is opened, tap the 'overview' dot on the right. You will
get a list view of your stuff in Extras. Then, go to the top of the window.
Make sure that the window title says "All icons". Go back to that window
title popup and select the store (or card) you want to examine.

Problem with this is that if you select "All icons", no matter if you're in
icon view or list view, the storage icons won't show up. Don't know if this
is a bug, but you'll have to select that category from the window title
popup list. Then, you'll have to open them one by one because, even in list
view, the size is not shown.

That's probably the difference you're looking for...


Laurent Daudelin                    Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae                   Washington, DC, USA
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Borg n.: In "Star Trek: The Next Generation" the Borg is a species of cyborg
that ruthlessly seeks to incorporate all sentient life into itself; their
slogan is "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." In hacker
parlance, the Borg is usually Microsoft, which is thought to be trying just
as ruthlessly to assimilate all computers and the entire Internet to itself
(there is a widely circulated image of Bill Gates as a Borg). Being forced
to use Windows or NT is often referred to as being "Borged". Interestingly,
the Halloween Documents reveal that this jargon is live within Microsoft
itself. (Other companies, notably Intel and UUNet, have also occasionally
been equated to the Borg.) See also Evil Empire, Internet Exploiter.  

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