Re: [NTLK] I've always wanted a Newton....

Date: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 15:42:28 EDT

Hi Justin,

I recently bought a spare from eBay for $49. The thing about these cheap
2100s is that they come with almost nothing. This one was the Newton, the
cheap plastic stylus for the emate (at one point sold for $1/box of 24) and
a dead rechargeable battery pack. It had no screen door or the little door
over serial connector and no PCMCIA cards (not even the blank ones).
However, it did come with a leather case so the missing doors don't hurt as

As you now know, I think someone mentioned the battery cage is selling for
$50, I think the rechargeable batteries (if you can find one) cost about
the same. The AC adaptor sells for up to $40 (although I thought I saw one
for under $20 somewhere), the dongle could be $20 (although I think someone
sold some on this list or significantly less) Then you'll be wanting an
assortment of memory cards, modems, ethernet, etc. So, you see, the cheap
Newtons are priced appropriate but, if you're new to Newtons, you might be
better off buying a whole package for $150 and above, depending on what you


At 1:22 AM +0000 8/30/2002, wrote:
>So my question is, does anyone have a newton 2100 for sale? I'm scared
>of eBay. I see many with a buy now option for $65. They cant be this
>cheap now can they? How leary should I be? Also I think these are
>2000's upgraded to 2100's. Is there any disadvantage to this? If you
>have one for sale (2100) please respond in private.
>Justin Miller
>1991 Mistubishi Galant VR4 1229/2000 (Just had to toss that in :) )

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