We are sitting here talking about a Newton foundation. However, there
is a major problem. There will be no more new hardware. At some point
the hardware will diminish to the point that it will be to expensive to
buy and use.
Every broken screen. Every dead 130. Every newt that is no longer used
or discarded.... moves the Newton one step closer to death.
John has done a great job and provided something really great for the
Newton. NewtSync is really a good program that makes the Newton more
useful and helpful. The Newton becomes a great tool.
However, without marketing and new hardware the Newton will die
How much would you be willing to a Newton for after this flood is over?
$300. As much as I like the Newton and have used one since about 1994.
There will come a day in which I will not be able to use or willing to
afford a new newton. I just finally updated my 120 to a 2100, actually
I bought two so I would have a spare.
Oh well just a few thoughts and I love my newton which is used on a
daily basis.
BTW: I will support the Newton fund to hopefully keep my green friend
up and running. (and buying a newtontalk T-shirt is not the same thing)
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