Re: [NTLK] Keyboard usage, errors, and questions

From: John Acuff (
Date: Sat Dec 07 2002 - 21:20:15 EST

On Saturday, December 7, 2002, at 08:17 PM, Peter Cameron wrote:

> on 12/7/02 8:55 PM, John Acuff at wrote:
>>> I just had my brand-new keyboard plugged into my Newton and noticed
>>> that with Avi's BD up, if I hit any keys, it popps up an error, >
>>> -48419.
>> I just tried this on my 2100 with Avi's and it does this too.
> Just tried it on my 2100. No problem. You can even type in the
> scribble
> area of Avi's no problem.
> Which version are you using? I'm running 1.3.1. Also I've
> connected the
> keyboard through an SER-001.

My version is 1.30. Connected thru the dongle on the interconnect port.
Unfortunately, I'm one of those folks who don't have an SER-001, and
probably won't ever get one now.
I got my Avi's off of UNNA about three weeks ago. Where can I get the
newer version? Maybe there's something in 1.30 that doesn't play well
with the keyboard.............

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