[NTLK] Replies to RTF, Keyboard, SimpleMail, etc.

From: Trent Tuggle (Trent_at_Tuggle.Org)
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 12:22:15 EST

Well, thanks to all for recent answers to my questions.

In response to some of the counter-questions, yes I have a plenty fast
dedicated high-bandwidth connection coming over ethernet to my 2100. I
don't have much RAM though, just built-in internal 4MB. I'm currently
looking for more...

Back on the subject of RTF generation; does anyone have the source to
X-Port? Is it possible to improve its RTF-file generation and mail
capabilities? Or maybe move to a simple HTML encoder! I'm going to have
to get some time to play with NewtDevEnv which I haven't even tried
since registering!

-  - -- ----  ------------------------------------------------ --- -- -   -
Trenton B. Tuggle
-  - -- ----  --------------------------- --- -- -   -

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