[NTLK] What is this?

From: Filmer, Paul E. (pfilmer_at_nsf.gov)
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 12:20:30 EST

Chris -

It is the inner case from a PDA Concepts "Hand Stand"

You can see my Newton resting on it in this picture:


Paul F.


From: "Chris Myers" <newtman_at_plumbrook.com>
Subject: [NTLK] What is this?
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:42:26 -0600

I won this holder for a 2x00 in an auction a while back, but I cannot
figure out what it was a part of. Did it go with the newton keyboard
that came with a canvas case? Or was it a part of a larger case?

Can you help me?


Click on the link that says "What is this?"

It is all leather, only fits a 2x00, and has velcro on the back.

If you know what this belongs to, please let me know.


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