In a previous message, Laurent Daudelin typed vigorously:
>> Is Newton Press scriptable? (i.e. works with
>> Applescript?)
>Does it appear in the application list when you choose "Open Dictionary" i=
>the script editor? If not, then I don't think it's scriptable (I doubt it =
Indeed it is:
Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications
open: Open the specified object(s)
open reference -- list of objects to open
run: Run an application. Most applications will open an empty, untitled
reopen: Reactivate a running application. Some applications will open a
new untitled window if no window is open.
print: Print the specified object(s)
print reference -- list of objects to print
quit: Quit an application
[saving yes/no/ask] -- specifies whether to save currently open
close: Close an object
close reference -- the object to close
[saving yes/no/ask] -- specifies whether changes should be saved
before closing
[saving in alias] -- the file in which to save the object
count: Return the number of elements of an object
count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
[each type class] -- if specified, restricts counting to objects of
this class
Result: integer -- the number of elements
delete: Delete an object from its container. Note this does not work on
script variables, only on elements of application classes.
delete reference -- the element to delete
duplicate: Duplicate one or more objects
duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s)
[with properties record] -- the initial values for properties of the
new object that are to be different from the original
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists: Verify if an object exists
exists reference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
make: Make a new element
new type class -- the class of the new element
[at location reference] -- the location at which to insert the element
[with data anything] -- the initial data for the element
[with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of
the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move: Move object(s) to a new location
move reference -- the object(s) to move
to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
save: Save an object
save reference -- the object to save, usually a document or window
[in alias] -- the file in which to save the object
[as type class] -- the file type of the document in which to save the
select: Make a selection
select reference -- the object to select
data size: (optional) Return the size in bytes of an object
data size reference -- the object whose data size is to be returned
[as type class] -- the data type for which the size is calculated
Result: integer -- the size of the object in bytes
suite info: (optional) Get information about event suite(s)
suite info type class -- the suite for which to return information
[in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to
return information
Result: a list of type suite info -- a record containing the suites
and their versions
event info: (optional) Get information about the Apple events in a suite
event info type class -- the event class of the Apple events for which
to return information
[in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to
return information
Result: a list of type event info -- a record containing the events
and their parameters
class info: (optional) Get information about an object class
class info type class -- the object class about which information is
[in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to
return information
Result: type class info -- a record containing the object=B9s
properties and elements
Class application: An application program
Plural form:
name international text [r/o] -- the name of the application
frontmost boolean [r/o] -- Is this the frontmost application?
selection selection-object -- the selection visible to the user. Use
the =8Cselect=B9 command to set a new selection; use =8Ccontents of selecti=
to get or change information in the document.
clipboard a list of anything -- the contents of the clipboard for this
version version [r/o] -- the version of the application
Class document: A document of a scriptable application
Plural form:
modified boolean [r/o] -- Has the document been modified since the
last save?
Class file: a file on a disk or server (or a file yet to be created)
Plural form:
stationery boolean -- Is the file a stationery file?
Class alias: a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you
check the syntax of your script.
Plural form:
Class selection-object: A way to refer to the state of the current of the
selection. Use the =8Cselect=B9 command to make a new selection.
contents anything -- the information currently selected. Use
=8Ccontents of selection=B9 to get or change information in a document.
Class window: A window
Plural form:
bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window
closeable boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a close box?
titled boolean [r/o] -- Does the window have a title bar?
index integer -- the number of the window
floating boolean [r/o] -- Does the window float?
modal boolean [r/o] -- Is the window modal?
resizable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window resizable?
zoomable boolean [r/o] -- Is the window zoomable?
zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed?
visible boolean -- Is the window visible?
Class insertion point: An insertion location between two objects
Plural form:
insertion points
Newton Press: Definitions specific to Newton Press
build: Create Book Package
build alias -- document
package alias -- Package file (will be overwritten if it exists)
show toc: Show Table of Contents
show toc
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