Re: [NTLK] Sound File?

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 03:31:23 EST

Ā (At) 2:04 -0600 28/12/02, Jeff Kuo écrivait (wrote) :
>Is there a way to record sounds on the newton?

If you have a MP2x00, you can record sounds in the Notes application
(tap the new button and then record). There are probably other means.

>or is there a program
>that can put AIFF

There is a software for MacOS that converts MacOS sounds to Newton
Package. I said MacOS, not MacOS X which you are apparently using.

>or even MIDI files on the newton?

No, but you can play MODs and MP3s.
MODs require Roger Milne's ModPlayer (it's somewhere on tripod pages,
try google), MP3s require MadMax (the Newton can also play MP3
streams [most radios on iTunes], once you'll have fixed your wireless
issues) by Eckhart Köppen.

>When I purchased
>my newton, it came with a "audio file" and i can click on play to play
>the sound...
>How can I create that?

Probably the MacOS program that takes MacOS sounds. I don't have the
exact name or URL handy. I think there is a Windows equivalent.



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